The creative journey: Unveiling my process

In my pursuit of creativity, I followed my instincts, embarking on a series of experiments that allowed me to explore my various interests while conducting parallel research to uncover something entirely new.

During my research journey, I delved into the works of Friedrich Nietzsche, where I stumbled upon intriguing concepts—the Übermensch (Overman) and the Will to Power. The Übermensch represents an idealized version of oneself, a perfected and powerful being who has transcended all insecurities and imperfections. It's an aspiration, though one that remains largely unattainable. However, what interested me was the notion of desiring personal growth and finding fulfilment in the pursuit of it.

Nietzsche's perspective on the Will to Power fascinated me further. He perceived it as a neutral force, devoid of inherent good or evil. This fundamental desire manifests differently in various individuals. Scientists and philosophers channel their Will to Power into the quest for truth, while artists harness it as the driving force behind their creations. For businessmen, it finds expression in the accumulation of wealth.

The visual experiments I conducted served as a canvas for evolving these ideas. They facilitated the connection of each concept I held, ultimately weaving together a narrative that delves into themes of crisis, struggle, self-discovery, and the entire journey encompassing these elements.

This narrative remains open to interpretation, offering a glimpse into the universal human experience of suffering, the yearning for growth towards the light, and the finding fulfilment within the ongoing journey of life.

Some of the experiments
Concept, Design, and animation - Musafar Ahammed Viralikkattil
Music - 'Une foule' by Gaspar Claus

Please let me know your views and interpretations in the comments.

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